Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS)

Articul per Ladin Gherdëina
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS)
Nfurmazions prinzipeles
Destributëur(es) Activision Publishing
Plataforma Nintendo DS
Tlasificazion PEGI PEGI 16
Serie Call of Duty
vën daldò Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized
Sort sparé de prima persona
Paesc Stac Unii d'America
Data publicazion 5 nuvëmber 2007
Destribuì da/sun Nintendo eShop

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS) ie n videojuech svilupà da y publicà ai 5 nuvëmber 2007 da Activision Publishing.

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