atribuzion – Tu mues atribué l lëur te la maniera che à spiegà l autëur o chël che à la lizënza (ma nia te na maniera che l smea che ëi te paiessa).
fá na condivijiun tla medema manira – Sce te mudes o svilupeies chësc test, pudres mé spartì ora l lëur sota la medema lizënza o una che ti smea a chësta same or compatible license
According to article 50 of the Algerian copyright law, it shall be lawful to reproduce or to communicate to the public, without authorization of the author and without remuneration, a work of architecture or the fine arts, a work of applied arts or a photographic work that is permanently situated in a public place, with the exception of art galleries, museums and classified cultural or natural sites.
See COM:CRT/Algeria#Freedom of panorama for more information.
Te chësc file él informaziuns lapró, bonamënter injuntades dala fotocamera o dal scanner tuc ca por süa produziun o por le digitalisé. Sce le file é gnü mudé, podess n valgügn detais ne corespogn nia ala realté.