Husby and parts of Tuna

luech te la Svezia
Articul per Ladin Gherdëina
Husby and parts of Tuna
Nfurmazions prinzipeles
Stat  Svezia
Contea  Contea de Södermanland
Chemun Strängnäs
Populazion 266 ab. (31 dezëmber 2020)
Densità 1,7 ab./km²
Coordinedes 59°21'45.864"N, 17°14'40.729"E
Spersa 161 km²
Cherta de localisazion: Svezia
Husby and parts of Tuna
Husby and parts of Tuna
Husby and parts of Tuna (Svezia)

Husby and parts of Tuna ie n luech te la Svezia tl chemun de Strängnäs te la Contea de Södermanland. Ai 31 dezëmber 2020 ovel na populazion de 266 persones sun na spersa de 161 km².

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