Spyro: Year of the Dragon

Articul per Ladin Gherdëina
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Nfurmazions prinzipeles
Svilupadëur(es) Insomniac Games
Destributëur(es) Sony Interactive Entertainment
Plataforma PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable
Tlasificazion PEGI PEGI 3
Tlasificazion USK USK 0
Serie Spyro
Paesc Stac Unii d'America
Rujenedes nglëisc
Data publicazion 11 utober 2000
Destribuì da/sun Vivendi Games, PlayStation Store
Plata internet www.spyro-yearofthedragon.com

Spyro: Year of the Dragon ie n videojuech svilupà da Insomniac Games y publicà ai 11 utober 2000 da Sony Interactive Entertainment.



