The Legend of Bum-bo

Articul per Ladin Gherdëina
The Legend of Bum-bo
Nfurmazions prinzipeles
Svilupadëur(es) Edmund McMillen
Destributëur(es) Edmund McMillen, Nicalis
Plataforma Microsoft Windows,[1] Xbox Series X and Series S, Nintendo Switch,[2] PlayStation 5
Tlasificazion PEGI PEGI 7
Sort juech de puzzle
Paesc Stac Unii d'America
Rujenedes nglëisc
Data publicazion 12 nuvëmber 2019[1]
Destribuì da/sun Steam, Epic Games Store,, Microsoft Store, Nintendo eShop
Nota 74/100
Plata internet

The Legend of Bum-bo ie n videojuech svilupà da Edmund McMillen y publicà ai 12 nuvëmber 2019[1] da Edmund McMillen, Nicalis.

Storia mudé

Referënzes mudé

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Steam.
  2. Nintendo eShop.