The Walking Dead: Season One

Articul per Ladin Gherdëina
The Walking Dead: Season One
Nfurmazions prinzipeles
Dessenià da Mark Darin
Plataforma Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows,[1] Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, iOS, macOS,[1] Android
Tlasificazion PEGI PEGI 18
Tlasificazion USK USK 18
Serie The Walking Dead
vën daldò The Walking Dead: Season Two
Paesc Stac Unii d'America
Rujenedes nglëisc
Data publicazion 24 auril 2012[1]
Destribuì da/sun Epic Games Store,[2] Steam,[3][1] Google Play, App Store, Microsoft Store,, PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop
Plata internet

The Walking Dead: Season One ie n videojuech svilupà da y publicà ai 24 auril 2012[1] da .

Storia mudé

Referënzes mudé

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 Steam.
  2. Epic Games Store.
  3. Steam.